The school day consists of 4 periods every Sunday, starting at 10:30am and finishing at 2pm with a lunch break starting from 12pm according to each key stage. Our canteen provides delicious Armenian food and drinks for all students, teachers and parents. Currently, because of Covid, our school day ends at 1.30pm and our lunch breaks are staggered.

All students begin the day in their designated classrooms with the Lord’s Prayer in Armenian and sing the Armenian National Anthem. The teachers then provide the students with any news and notices about the school in general. The classes throughout the school day depend on what year your child is in. As outlined in the Asset Languages document, the level of complexity in writing, reading, speaking and listening increases as your child progresses through the school.


The learning structure depends also on the teacher’s plan for the day: which topics need to be covered, which poem needs to be practiced or which historical event needs to be discussed. Teachers prepare PowerPoints and various resources as well as activities to support the children’s learning. Teachers encourage a proactive environment where all children feel comfortable to participate and have all their needs catered for. In the summer term, students look forward to their fun-filled and competitive Sports’ Day when they participate in various sports’ activities

As part of the Kevork Tahta Cultural programme, work is done in class in preparation for the end of year school performance with students from all classes performing various poems, dances, and songs. This performance not only allows children to feel fulfilled and rewarded by working towards one goal but also enables children to grow in confidence and be involved in the creative arts that are so precious to the Armenian culture and heritage.

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